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The Perfect Timing: When Construction, Architecture, and Property Development Companies Should Post on Social Media

Having a strong Social Media presence is crucial for Construction, Architecture, and Property Development companies.

It helps to build brand awareness and attracts potential clients.

However, posting at the right times can significantly amplify your reach and effectiveness.

Here is a comprehensive guide on when companies should post on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and TikTok for optimal results.


Instagram is a visual platform, perfect for showcasing stunning architectural designs, construction progress, and completed projects.

Its emphasis on high-quality images and short video content makes it an essential tool for construction, architecture, and property development companies to highlight their work in a visually compelling way.

Best Times to Post

Weekdays (Monday to Friday): 11 AM - 2 PM

Reason: During lunch breaks, many users scroll through their Instagram feeds, offering a prime window to capture their attention.

Posting between 11 AM and 2 PM allows your content to appear when people are most likely to engage with it.

Evenings (Monday to Thursday): 6 PM - 9 PM

Reason: After work hours, users often relax and unwind by checking social media. This period sees a spike in activity, providing another opportunity to reach your audience effectively.

Why These Times?

The rationale behind these specific times is rooted in user behaviour patterns. Most people have daily routines that include moments of downtime where they turn to social media for entertainment and information. By aligning your posting schedule with these habits, you ensure that your content is delivered when your audience is most receptive.

By understanding and leveraging the best times to post on Instagram, construction, architecture, and property development companies can significantly boost their social media presence, drive engagement, and showcase their expertise to a wider audience.


Facebook's expansive user base makes it a versatile platform for sharing detailed project updates, client testimonials, industry news, and more. As a hub for both personal and professional interactions, it offers diverse opportunities for construction, architecture, and property development companies to connect with their audience on multiple levels.

Best Times to Post

Weekdays (Monday to Friday): 10AM - 1 PM

Reason: The mid-morning period is when users typically start their day, often checking social media during work breaks or downtime. Posting between 10 AM and 1 PM takes advantage of this habit, ensuring your content appears at a time when users are actively engaging with their feeds.

Saturdays and Sundays: 12 PM - 1 PM

Reason: During weekends, people have more leisure time and are likely to browse Facebook around midday. This window provides an excellent opportunity to capture their attention when they are relaxed and more open to exploring new content.

Why These Times?

The rationale behind posting during these specific times is rooted in the daily routines and habits of Facebook's user base. By aligning your posting schedule with these patterns, you ensure that your content reaches your audience when they are most likely to engage.

By strategically planning your posts around these optimal times and leveraging Facebook's features to their fullest potential, construction, architecture, and property development companies can enhance their social media presence, build stronger relationships with their audience, and showcase their work more effectively.


LinkedIn is the go-to platform for B2B interactions, professional networking, and showcasing industry expertise. It’s particularly effective for reaching decision-makers in construction, architecture, and property development, making it an indispensable tool for professionals looking to expand their influence, forge valuable connections, and stay updated on industry trends.

Best Times to Post

Tuesday to Thursday: 8 AM - 10 AM and 12 PM - 2 PM

Reason: These windows coincide with peak usage times when professionals are most likely to check LinkedIn - either before starting their workday or during lunch breaks. Posting during these hours increases the likelihood that your content will be seen and engaged with by industry peers and potential clients.

Why These Times?

The rationale behind these specific posting times is based on the daily routines of LinkedIn users, who are predominantly professionals. By aligning your content schedule with their habits, you can ensure greater visibility and engagement.

By strategically planning your LinkedIn posts around these optimal times and leveraging the platform’s unique features, construction, architecture, and property development companies can significantly enhance their professional presence, drive engagement, and build strong, lasting connections within the industry.


TikTok's dynamic and creative environment offers a unique opportunity for construction, architecture, and property development companies to present engaging content. With its emphasis on short-form videos, TikTok allows you to showcase time-lapse videos of constructions, behind-the-scenes footage, and innovative architectural concepts in a compelling and entertaining way.

Best Times to Post

Monday to Friday: 6 AM - 10 AM and 7 PM - 11 PM

Reason: These times align with when users are likely to be commuting, waking up, or winding down for the day. Posting during these hours captures audiences when they have the time and inclination to engage with entertaining and informative content.

Weekends: 9 AM - 11 AM

Reason: During the weekends, users tend to check their social media accounts after breakfast, making this a prime time to post engaging content. This period is ideal for capturing audiences who are more relaxed and have leisure time to explore new content.

Why These Times?

The rationale behind these specific posting times is based on user behaviour patterns. Early mornings and late evenings are peak hours for TikTok engagement as users often browse during their commutes and relaxation periods. Weekends provide another opportunity when users have more free time and are more likely to explore content thoroughly.

By strategically planning your TikTok posts around these optimal times and leveraging the platform’s unique features, construction, architecture, and property development companies can significantly enhance their social media presence, drive engagement, and connect with a wider audience.

Understanding the best times to post on each platform allows construction, architecture, and property development companies to strategically plan their social media content for maximum impact.

By aligning your posting schedule with user activity patterns, you can enhance your reach, boost engagement, and ultimately grow your business.

Remember, while these timings provide a solid starting point, continuous monitoring and adjusting based on your audience's behaviour will lead to the best results over time.

If you need help managing your Social Media contact Bid Social today!


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